Geeksta's Geekdom

The Kaldwell Family

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Here we are. The Kaldwell's


About Geeksta

Usage: Spanish
Pronounced: say-bah-STYAHN
Spanish form of Sebastianus (see SEBASTIAN).
Usage: English, German, Polish, Finnish
Pronounced: se-BAS-chen, se-BAS-tee-an
From the Roman name Sebastianus which meant "from Sebastia" in Latin. Sebastia was a town in Asia Minor, its name deriving from Greek sebastos "venerable". Saint Sebastian was a 3rd-century Roman soldier martyred by arrows after it was discovered he was a Christian. This was also the name of a king of Portugal who died in a crusade against Morocco.

Name: Kristofer Sebastian Kaldwell

Aliases: TheSeb, Seb, Sebby, Geeksta

Date/Time of Birth: April 20, 1980 8:48am

Family: Clyde James [CJ] - October 24, 2000; Justin Shane - April 20, 2006; 

Favourite Colours: Black, Purple, Dark Blue, Dark Green

Favourite Movies: Top Gun(1986); Batman(1989); Dirty Dancing(1987); Monty Python & the Holy Grail(1975); The Matrix(1999); Cruel Intentions(1999); Hackers(1995); A Beautiful Mind (2002) Batman Beyond:Return of the Joker (2000); The Dark Knight (2008)

Favourite Music: Rock-Alternative; anything by "Weird Al" Yankovic, Nerdcore, mc chris


There is no Knowledge that is not Power and no Power without Consequence.

Do not forget your actions, if you do, they will repeat.

The Essence of Death is merely the Preservation of Life.

Existence is Futile...

It is said "Inside every man is a child" and "There is a hero in us all." I have found that the hero in me, just so happens to be my child.

Reasonless Purpose is the only Survival many of us have to Existence.

Purposeless Reason is the only Survival all of us have to being Nonexistent.

"Tell me, ever danced with the devil by the pale moon light?...I ask that of all my prey, I just like the sound of it." --The Joker, Tim Burton's Batman (1989)

"Look at us, we are as Beauty and the Beast. But if anyone else calls you Beast, I'll rip their lungs out" --The Joker (to Vicki Vale), Tim Burton's Batman (1989)

"Im tanned, Im rested, and Im ready to give this old town a wedgie again!" --The Joker, Batman Beyond:Return of the Joker (2000)